2018-05-07 Viewed: 7416 Tags:



Hao123 is a directindustry Web Guide, Baidu’s core product.

“The world is very complicated, Baidu knows you better”, hao123 is a timely collection of popular categories including music, videos, novels, entertainment exchanges, games, etc., and it is a perfect combination with search engines to provide the most simple and convenient online navigation for Chinese internet users. service. Hao123 is currently the general manager of Baidu Web site navigation department general manager Yang Guang.

On November 3, 2015, in order to enhance the collaboration with the search business, Baidu's business and team transferred to the Search Business Group (SSG) and reported to Bai Long, the senior vice president of Baidu, and the general manager of the SSG business group. [1] 

Chinese name hao123 Foreign name hao123 Company Baidu Established time August 1999 Features Fast, powerful Multi-window Internet navigation Usage number As of 2014 Number of users About 180 million people Sections Including websites, videos, information, games, lotteries, etc. Headquarters locations Beijing official website Baidu mission technology makes complex world easier

table of Contents

1 Development history

 Baidu acquisition

 Content revision


2 malicious code events

3 Main business

4 Principles of cooperation

5 Website Culture


 Brand Concept

 logo concept

Development History Editor

In May 1999, Li Xingping created hao123 - "Wonderful and Practical Website" to start sailing from here.

Baidu acquisition

On August 31, 2004, Baidu invested 50 million yuan, plus some Baidu shares acquired hao123, that is, "hao123 home, the transaction price of the two sides involved in the Mainland of China involves a relatively large amount of site acquisition." Leap on new development steps . Today, "hao123 Internet navigation" as the first brand of Internet navigation, became the first stop for hundreds of millions of users to choose the Internet, the preferred brand for Internet navigation. Currently, most of the Internet's Internet navigation sites follow the characteristics of hao123, and hao123 has become a recognized industry standard.

Content revision

In order to better meet the needs of the vast majority of Internet users, hao123 PC products began to undergo overall content revision in 2011, and personalized recommendations for different user groups. So far, the homepage of hao123 has undergone several attempts to reform content and has achieved great success. The left side adds different types of list recommendations, including: news, movies, games, applications, etc.; the middle part increases the interest navigation with the second column, users can customize according to their own interests, including: URL, video, Information, fiction, shopping, etc. will continue to increase gradually; the lower side will increase the ease of the area, designed to meet the users who spend boring time. The specific sections include: hot search, gossip, music, funny pictures and so on. In order to let users find what they want in the shortest possible time, the hao123 team will continue to implement content and personalized innovations.

At the same time, in order to meet the deep-seated Internet users' needs, hao123's vertical sections are gradually undergoing content revision and personalized recommendations based on user interests. The movie and TV programs took the lead in revising their attempts to create a huge library of movies and TV series variety shows. The recommendations were based on user characteristics and were widely praised by users. Today, the hao123 vertical section has completed many content revisions of key sections focusing on film and television, games, information, and entertainment. Games channel aggregating games, stand-alone games, online games, web games, mobile games, etc.; information channels with news The columns are the core and assist in the division of columns, including military, sports, and finance. The direction of entertainment has also completed the establishment of funny channels, music channels, picture channels, novel channels, and music channels. After the content revision, hao123 vertical column can meet the user's addressing requirements, but also to meet the user's demand for content. In addition, some of the second-level columns have launched the "APP recommendation" module to meet the needs of users' PCs while satisfying users' mobile device application requirements. In the future, the hao123 vertical section will continue to deepen the content revision, and improve the accuracy of personalized recommendations, allowing users to enjoy the best user experience in hao123.


PC memorabilia:

In 2011, vertical resource navigation products hao123 buy navigation, hao123 film and television navigation on the line

In December 2011, hao123 went online with the CDN. The speed of the visit increased again and exceeded the competition.

In 2012, the hao123 wireless version went online and the top hit list product went online

In 2013, hao123 content interest navigation was launched

In August 2013, hao123 completed the upgrade of the architecture and released a custom URL. The home page realizes the on-demand loading of the entire region, and hao123 is more intelligent.

In 2014, hao123 regained the first place in the navigation market, clicked on content and services over the website, and clicked on the website.

In December 2014, the hao123 list was burned after reading the line. According to the user's interest, the hao123 understood the user.

In June 2015, hao123 launched a lifestyle service brand to provide O2O service navigation, making on-site service more convenient.

In July 2015, the hao123 widescreen version was launched, keeping pace with the times, realizing adaptive screen functions, and navigating the first one. This greatly enhanced the experience of mainstream users and was more intimate.

In October 2015, hao123 introduced the https security policy to strengthen site protection and avoid falsification. hao123 is more secure.

In 2015, hao123 financial channel went online and there was no bad debt on the line. Select financial management helped users make money safely.

In 2016, hao123 continued to use Big Data to build personalized homepages to make websites and content better understand you. hao123 is smarter.

Wireless events:

February 2012, hao123 touch screen version of the first revision

On April 9, 2012, hao123 Android and ios app were officially launched, and ios rushed to the top three freerolls within three days.

In June 2012, the wireless touch screen version increased the news information module and formally transformed the content navigation.

In August 2012, users can customize and edit their favorite URLs on the mobile version.

In early 2013, with the addition of a personalized module, users can add information such as weather, constellations, lottery tickets and stocks to the mobile version.

In February 2013, the new revision of hao123 app 3.0 was officially released.

In June 2013, the hao123 app launched a radar function.

In August 2013, hao123 touch screen version increased entertainment, living, and hilarious blocks, and navigated content navigation to the end.

In September 2014, hao123 app broke 10 million daily.

In April 2015, the hao123 wireless alliance went live.

In May 2015, hao123 mobile version added hao home module, which mainly promoted O2O service in a time-zoned scenario.

In December 2015, Baidu's business and team were transferred to the Search Business Group (SSG) to enhance collaboration with the search business, reporting to Bai Long, senior vice president of Baidu, and general manager of the SSG business group. [1] 

In February 2016, hao123 mobile phone access recommended content information flow, and it is oriented towards high quality content recommendation.

Malicious code event editing

Recently, a third-party security agency stated that when users download software from two Baidu websites, malicious code will be implanted. Baidu’s hao123 published an investigation report on the incident on March 3, 2017, acknowledging that the problem really exists. [2] 

According to Baidu, the hao123 software downloader provided by the above website was developed by a third-party outsourcing team and used network black production to be divided from the Baidu Alliance. After receiving the report, it has immediately investigated and cleaned up the relevant malicious code, and provided the information to the Tencent, 360, NSFOCUS and other vendors simultaneously. Users can download and use it from hao123 after March 4, 2017. Baidu promised to strengthen the supervision mechanism to prevent such incidents from happening again. [2] 

Major business editor

Hao123 client

Hao123 client (3 photos)

Hao123 is a fast, powerful multi-window Internet navigation, it is completely free of charge and does not have any functional restrictions on the Internet software. Mainly for Internet users to provide search, popular sites, weather, stocks, lottery tickets, flights, road conditions, bus and other commonly used services online utility tools, through hao123 Internet navigation, where you can read information, read novels, watch videos, on Weibo, Play games, shop online, check the weather, buy lottery tickets, find news, etc., to provide users with a convenient Internet experience.

Hao123 wireless mainly provides users with practical tools such as search, popular websites, weather, stocks, lottery tickets, flights, road conditions, buses, hotels, etc. Through hao123 mobile Internet navigation, you can easily read the most popular information, see more free novels, browse various videos, microblog, play games, online shopping, check the weather, buy lottery tickets and other services for users. Provide a convenient mobile internet experience!

Hao123 has always been committed to provide users with the most simple, practical, intimate online navigation services. Easy Internet access, convenient life, starting from hao123!

Principles of cooperation

1. Websites that do not contain adverse content such as reactionary, pornographic, gambling, etc., or links to undesirable content, as well as website names or

New version of good 123 page

New version of good 123 page

The website that violates the relevant laws and regulations of the country.

2. Do not include websites with no useful content. If your website is under construction, there is no complete content. Please do not log in. You are welcome to log in after the website is completed.

3. Sites containing viruses, Trojans pop-up plugins or malicious changes to others' computer settings, and websites with multiple pop-up ads are not included.

4. Websites affiliated with other people's websites (ie, websites without their own separate domain names) will not be included on this site.

5. Sites that cannot be properly connected or browsed under normal circumstances are not included.

6. This site reserves the right to make a decision as well as the right to make editorial decisions in the website's website database. [3]

Website Culture Editor


More cartoon characters

More cartoon characters (4 photos)

Baidu hao123 fifteenth anniversary of the birthday meeting, Baidu hao123 launched a new cartoon image - "more than Aberdeen", the green "more than Aberdeen" a cute comeback on the appearance of people. "Thorty" uses a group of elfs with six arms and green skin in the Irish mythology as their source of creativity. In the Irish mythology, there are such a group of elfs with six arms and green skin, just like our heroic hero Nina. They are the good partners of human beings and help people to solve various problems in an obscure manner. The cartoon image of "Tsai" explains the theme of "youth and dream", meaning Baidu hao123 is positioned on the Internet as a "multifaceted helper service concept. So why should you call it more? The first meaning is because hao123 has always been based on Navigation, positioning in a comprehensive, like a generalist, to help you quickly browse the website.The second meaning is a bit of a relationship with the Cantonese, Cantonese, "Thank you," would say, "more than ah", so it also represents hao123 thank you so much Thanks to years of support, I’ve been thankful for so many years of ups and downs. I’d also like to thank all of you for dou123.[4]

Brand Concept

Hao123 is not only committed to provide users with the most simple, practical, intimate online navigation services, and hao123 is gradually developing towards the younger age, hoping to continue to innovate, improve products and other means to allow users to get a better online experience. Easy Internet access, convenient life, starting from hao123!

Logo concept

Hao123 latest logo

Hao123 latest logo

1. Vibrant green represents the security of the Internet and smooth user experience. Orange represents youth and vitality. Green and orange reflect a younger, more dynamic brand image.

2. Continuation of the concept of branded green leaves, heritage of brand symbols, and simplified and generalized leaf design, ease of use and graphic extension, and more conducive to the proliferation of brand associations and brand recognition. In the details, the overlapping interaction effects of the two leaves reflect the combination of user needs and the precision and personalized experience of the hao123 service, making the overall image more affinity.

3. The shape of green leaves is also the same as the “check mark”. Using this “√” graphic can convey an active and energetic image to the outside world, and it also plays a conceptual role in strengthening “hao”. [5]

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